Tales From The Naughty Step

Skilled performers seem to delight in engaging at the edges of their ability; trying, failing, trying again, failing again. Like children playing, they are exploring while they are practising: intently focussed, moving and perceiving, making decisions and problem-solving. All the time they are building on what is necessary for skill development in the context in which they are operating. Their internal dialogue is more “I wonder what will happen if…?” than “I must try and do it like this.” "Tales from the Naughty Step" is for those who dare to wonder "what will happen if?" 😀

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Saturday Apr 18, 2020

Corran Addison has always combined designing kit with using it. I wanted to find out more about his understanding of how his kit and equipment design was rooted in his unique perspectives on movement within his performance environments and of how design could support or thwart the development of skill by highlighting or dampening perception action coupling. We also talked about motivation, play and safe environments for developing confident, competent and happily active and adaptive youngsters.

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